Quarterly webinar series: Helping institutional investors navigate markets and make better informed decisions

Each quarter, senior members of our Global Investment Research team host webinars aimed at supporting institutional investors with timely capital-market analysis and insights across asset classes, regions, currencies, industries and styles.
Reserve your place in Q2
To ensure you hear our insights on global financial markets, fixed income and factors, drawn from our Market Maps reports, select the relevant webinar link(s) below for more information and to register. You can also use the same links to watch the webinar “on-demand” after the event has taken place.
Global fixed income performance and review – Wednesday, April 14
An assessment of the 2021 Taper Tantrum, and the key questions for investors and policy-makers. Specifically, is the post-Covid economic recovery in jeopardy, after the increase in bond yields? Will central banks need to step up QE? Are bond vigilantes chasing inflation shadows, or are central banks behind the inflation curve?
Global factor performance and review – Wednesday, April 28
Valuable insights into global factor performance and valuations after a tumultuous year, with P/Es returning to pre-GFC levels. We identify factors at risk of a de-valuation and those that could be poised for potential outperformance, as well as a review of key regional divergences.
Global Market Outlook – Wednesday, June 09
Providing perspective and analysis of global financial markets. An examination of the drivers of risk appetite such as changes to growth and inflation expectations, financial conditions, the profit and valuation cycle, factor rotation and the status of market sentiment.